Beware! New Years Resolutions Ahead

Beware! New Years Resolutions Ahead

New Years resolutions….at one time or another most of us have made them.  Those of us who don’t, well, it’s probably because we’ve made them to no avail since we found we didn’t keep them.  Making resolutions isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Actually, it can be of benefit, but there is a hidden danger.  The primary intention for making resolutions is self-improvement.  Therein is the inherent danger….self!

Making New Years resolutions promotes a tremendous tendency to lean to the strength of the flesh.  We’ve talked a lot in the last few months about how well that works. (Remember this little guy?)  We have such good intentions, but we all know that good intentions pave the path leading to places we don’t want to be.

So maybe the answer isn’t in our intention, but in our attention.  What are you looking to as the enabling power to bring the changes you want to see in the upcoming year?  I would encourage you that, this year, if you’re going to resolve to do something new, resolve to put your attention on the new….the new part of YOU.  The power to change is in the fact that you have been changed.  If you are in Christ, you are a new creation. If anything, resolve to find out more about what the new you looks like.  You are now the temple of God, His spirit dwells within you, and focusing on Christ in you…well, it’s your hope of glorious change!  Colossians 1:27

In closing out this year and looking to the new, I’ve noticed countless organizations are using the slogan “New Year, New You”.  It sounds good, however, this is the slogan I am resolving to live by this year…“New You, New Year”!  Will you join me?


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