Got Questions?

Much of what we hear via Christian books and TV, church sermons, Bible studies, and now blogs is an unending admonition about the way we are to live. Unfortunately, what we don’t hear so much about is HOW.  We’re told to be righteous, walk in love, sin not, be patient, be kind, pray, read the Bible, walk in the spirit, bear the fruit of the Spirit…. the list goes on and on.

And we want to.  We really want to.

And we try.  We really, really try.

Yes, we’re told to BE HOLY, but who is answering the question…HOLY HOW?!?!

Jesus replied, “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you load people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.”  Luke 11:46 NIV 

So how is what you’ll find here different?  It addresses the “HOW?”.  And unlike those “experts” Jesus spoke of, we’ll try our best to lift a finger to help. Be encouraged. It’s easier than you think. Jesus has already done the heavy lifting for us!