Bible Identity Quiz

Bible Identity Quiz


I’ve so enjoyed spending time studying and exploring God’s Word, and lately I’ve begun to discover something about myself.  In one way or another, I seem to always attempt to encourage others to spend time in it too.  To me it’s like a treasure hunt….there’s always some hidden gem to uncover.  My mind tends to think along this line no matter what, so today’s Five Minute Friday prompt, “she” brings this woman of the Bible to mind. Just for fun I created a little Bible study identity quiz to play, complete with its own treasure map. There’s actually more to it than there appears so I hope you get the message behind the map. Follow the clues to see if you can identify this “she” of the Bible.  Let me know your answer by leaving a comment.  I’m keeping all comments unpublished so you won’t see others’ answers, preventing you from digging for hidden Word treasure yourself.  The answer (along with the story of my discovery of a liberating truth as a result of this woman’s story) will be published later so check back. Remember….we’re searching for hidden (concealed, not easily recognized) treasure, so be careful!!  Happy hunting….

  1. She has a name containing 5 letters, the 2nd letter being the 1st.
  2. For part of her life she lived amongst a people not her own.
  3. She was married to a man who was of the tribe of Judah.
  4. The 4th letter of her husband’s name is the 13th.
  5. Her husband was a very close relative of Boaz.
  6. She mothered a son who married a woman from the land of Moab.
  7. She had an excellent daughter-in-law.
  8. Her past was bitter, her future better.
  9. She is spoken of in two testaments.
  10. She is _ _ _ _ _ .


Let me know what you dis-cover!

Another Friday link up with the Five Minute Friday writing challenge.

Go here to see the answer unfold


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