Life “Issues”

Life “Issues”


My mouth has been giving me trouble of late. I admit, sometimes I even surprise myself. Something’s just not right. Where’s this venom coming from? I need to get a grip.  This is causing issues and something’s got to change, so I write myself a simple prescription…

Watch Your Mouth

Surely this will be the cure. I determine that, with ever so much diligence, I will watch my mouth.

Yet in spite of my best efforts, before very long, a new spew erupts. I take another dose. “Watch your mouth”, I tell myself.  “Just watch what you let out your mouth!”

And then I remember the book of James.

No one can tame the tongue. It’s a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless God and curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God.  James 3:8-9

And with all my heart I agree with James’ conclusion…

…these things ought not be this way.

So what’s the answer to my dilemma? If the tongue can’t be tamed, then what am I to do?

Once again I remember, am reminded, not of the words written by James, but of those spoken by his brother, Jesus.

…the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart.  Matthew 12:34

Trouble with my tongue? A misdiagnosis. According to Jesus, my speech is merely my symptom, indicating there’s a deeper problem. The real sickness lies elsewhere.  Apparently it’s not my tongue that’s my trouble, it’s my heart. I have a heart problem.  Oh, the pump itself is working all right.  It’s pumping…pumping out what it’s full of. The poison isn’t in my tongue, it’s taken up residence in my heart. Serpent venom, lies, allowed entrance unchecked into hidden chambers unguarded.

Watch Your Mouth. I discard the old prescription,

and write myself a new….

Watch over your heart with all diligence,

For from it flow the issues of life.  Proverbs 4:23

“Watch your heart”, I now tell myself.  “Just watch what you let in your heart!”

And I’m feeling better already.


Another entirely different post written on this same word prompt can be found here. It tells of Baruch, a writer called of God, and an all important but often overlooked part of his story that might just help us double check the reason we write.  


  1. Hi Lisa! I’m your Five Minute Friday neighbor. How are you this weekend?

    Thanks for sharing with such an honest and humble heart. Blessings to you! -Rachel Rusticus

    • Hi neighbor! Thanks for mentioning “honest”. It happens to be my One Word for 2014. Honestly…scary. 🙂 Thanks for the visit.

  2. I love that verse from Proverbs. And I too, have problems with my tongue at times and my heart issues!! The tongue is a little member and yet so unruly at times….. So glad for grace and forgiveness.

    • Oh yes! So VERY glad for grace and forgiveness…for mouth mercy! 🙂 Thanks for taking time to visit and comment.

  3. Oh, this is an “ow” post. I can certainly relate to this, and I appreciate how honestly you share your heart here – both the beautiful and the undesirable. This is convicting. Isn’t it good, how God speaks to us through others? Glad you stopped by my place and said hi so I could follow you over here. Grace and peace to you, friend.

    • Thanks for returning the visit, Amber. Yes, that’s one of the blessings of FMF, link ups, and the wealth of blogs available…we can hear God through each other. It helps to know we’re not alone, doesn’t it? Blessings to you…

  4. Hi Lisa, thanks for commenting on my FMF post last week. I enjoyed reading yours and can SO relate. In fact I wrote a very similar post a while back about problems with my heart also being manifested in what comes out of my mouth – It’s encouraging to know I’m not the only one who struggles with this and that the Lord has a way to cure our sick heart!

    • Hi Sophia. Thanks for leaving the link to your post. It is marvelous. I love that you differentiated between our spirit and our heart. It’s a fine line…a very fine line. The book by Lee is good to know about too. I absolutely love Watchman Nee’s books but I’ve never read Lee’s. Thanks for returning the visit and for the additional resources. Blessings to you!

  5. Beautiful post Lisa … And we can all benefit from this verse. Miss you.

  6. LOVE this!! Incredible insights. Thank you for sharing in such a gorgeous, poetic way!

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