Things I Learned This Fall

Things I Learned This Fall

I’m joining the fun over at Emily Freeman’s as she hosts the What We Learned fall link up. I’ve learned lots in the last nine months of being in Atlanta, away from my normal life and back in the working world. Other than learning of all the amazing restaurants in Atlanta, here’s a few other things to share….just for the fun of it.Continue reading

Book Roundup 2015

Book Roundup 2015

There’s not much I enjoy more than a room with books so today I’m taking time for a round-up of the books I made room for this year.

 Here they are, followed by my making a little game out of which ones I loved, loathed, and left out.

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My One Word

My One Word

Here we are almost halfway through the year and I haven’t written about my One Word for this year. It’s probably because I didn’t understand it when it came to me that last day of December. I still don’t…fully.

What I wanted more than anything this year was change so that’s the word I chose. Ironically, the first thing to change…was my word!Continue reading

How Good is Good?

How Good is Good?

Good Friday…aren’t you thankful for what we commemorate this day? I’m forever grateful to God for His sacrifice…for taking the wrath due me on that cross those many years ago.

However, something else happened that day that’s overlooked…that is, if it’s known about at all. For years I didn’t know it had occurred, but once I found out my life changed drastically.Continue reading



Encouraging others is one of the things I care about more than nearly anything. I desperately want people, you people, to know your value…that you rock people’s worlds with your hospitality, your art, your listening ear, your ability to make people laugh.

You would think that this compulsion of mine would overflow onto everyone, wouldn’t you? Surely, it would! Or would it?Continue reading

What I Learned in January

What I Learned in January

I was surprised at a few of the things I learned this month. One in particular was great to realize at the start of a year, helping me implement changes I didn’t know I needed. We think we know ourselves…until faced with evidence that can’t be denied. Dare you discover the same about yourself?

I’m sharing a nifty app that might provide shocking results about you too, something I bet you don’t know about UPS trucks, and more. Here’s what I learned in January…Continue reading

One Thing

One Thing

Here we are, fleshing out 2015. All those resolutions and goals…so many things we want accomplished. They say it takes twenty-one days to solidify a new habit. It’s day twenty-four, and so far the new year is looking a lot like the old. Normally I’d be freaked out, but I’m not. And that’s the biggest change I’ve seen thus far this year.

What’s made the difference? Something I missed in the story of Mary and Martha.

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Best Books: This Year’s Top 5

Best Books: This Year’s Top 5

I did a lot of reading this year. It was one of my intentions for 2014 since the previous year was seriously lacking in that department. With the year coming to a close today I decided to share my favorite reads of the year. The list included fiction and non-fiction, young adult, classic, biography, and of course a book about books which is double pleasure.

Here’s my top 5!
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What I Learned in October

What I Learned in October

Emily Freeman is hosting her What I Learned link up again this month, one of my very favorites. The great thing about this link up is all the additional things I learn by reading others’ posts…outstanding blogs I wasn’t aware of, not so trivial trivia, fun facts, inspiration, and so much more. Head over to Chatting at the Sky to peruse.

Here’s what I learned in October.

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Breathing Room: Review

Breathing Room: Review

Lately I’ve been searching for books that speak of space, quiet, and peace…permission to relax and just be.

This delightful, insightful read stands out as one of the best in my recent reading repertoire.Continue reading