A New Day

A New Day

We are now three weeks into the new year.  How’s it going?  By about this time most people’s New Year’s resolutions have bitten the dust.  Statistics show that fewer than half of New Years resolutions survive past February.  I think I know why.

One of the factors that contribute to our making those New Years resolutions in the first place is the mindset of a new beginning.  However, this perspective is more than likely the very thing leading to failure rather than success in realizing our goals.  Now that we’re several weeks past this “new beginning”, the motivation provided by that mindset has passed along with the passing days.  In spite of its tendency towards discouragement, there’s no doubt that there is inspiration provided by this “new beginning” way of thinking.  Therefore, to use it to our advantage we’ll have to make a subtle adjustment.  We are going to have to make a determined effort to shift our thinking, realizing that…

Every day is a new beginning.

Let’s resolve to change our mindset from the thought of a new year to that of every day being a time to begin anew.

So, just in case you’re feeling discouraged, thinking this year will be no different than all the rest….today be reminded of His promises to you.  Today is a new day.  Today believe and receive the promise of Psalms 65:11…He does crown the year with His goodness and His paths do drip with abundance.  Don’t be dismayed if you have already fallen short of some of your desired intentions or determined attentions for this year.  Today is a new day.  Today you can re-determine to live not by your promises to God, but by His promises to you!

The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23

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