Begin With God

Begin With God

On the occasion of the creation of this blog, as I look at the first verse in Genesis, “In the beginning God created…“,  I see a representation of what will be the primary nature and voice of the content of My Word Study.

In addition to recording the formation of the world by God, this Genesis account can also be a subtle reminder to put God first in any beginning.  Nevertheless, I’ve come to see yet another application of this verse.  We’ve all heard we should start our day spending time with God, make decisions only after first consulting God, and a variety of such exhortations which are all important, yet so often, as Christians trying  to please God and walk in a manner worthy of Him, we concentrate our focus on what we should do instead of what He has done. We begin with us.

One example of how this mentality tends to prevail in our lives is in our attempt to fulfill the one commandment Jesus left us with.

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12 NKJV

It’s no wonder this is the greatest commandment because it’s also the most difficult to heed.  Did He really have to add “…as I have loved you”?  That takes it to a whole new level.  So, in order to be doers of the Word and not hearers only…we begin.  We pray, we commit, we determine, we resolve. But if we are to have any ability to succeed at fulfilling this commandment (or any biblical directive, for that matter) we will have to begin with God.

What do I mean?

When we hear Jesus’ command to “love one another”, we focus on our responsibility and obligation.  That addition of“…as I have loved you” makes the burden yet heavier. Or does it? Only when we begin with us instead of beginning with God. If we would shift our focus from what we’re to do…

“Love one another…”

to what He has done…

“…as I have loved you.”

the burden would lift.  Most often we emphasize the end of that scripture in light of a burden instead of magnifying it as a glorious reminder of just how much He has loved us.  There is a reason that He said, “Freely you received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8b NASB)

We must begin with God. Begin with what He has done. We are able to fulfill the command He’s given to the degree that we grasp the reality of His love for us.  Therein is the power to do.  It is because of what He has done.

Begin with God.


  1. Awesome Lisa! What a great blog this will be; reflecting the true “grace” of God, the “really good news”, rather than the “law” which religion seems unable to get past! You go girl! And God will certainly bless your efforts! Just to know we are not judged by God on our PERFORMANCE, but on our POSITION….as His CHILD ….what a beautiful and liberating thought! We love BECAUSE He first loved us! Thank you for being willing to “freely give” that of which you have “freely received”!

    • Thank you for your kind words, Bill. I’m thinking you ought to “begin” your own blog! The blogosphere would truly be blessed by the story you have to tell. Till then…thanks for adding to this one in your own unique way. Let Ephesians 4:16 begin!

  2. Lisa, we need this so much! Why is it so hard for us to believe how much the Lord loves us? I always think I have to do and “be” good in order for Him to be pleased with me. I am learning to “let it sink in” that not only has he forgiven my past sins, but my future ones as well and that I shouldn’t be afraid to move. Keep us learning, day by day. Wunderbar!!!

    • Cindy, you are totally correct in saying WE need this. I am absolutely included. And you are right on when you mention that it is a “day to day” reminder. It’s like our daily bread. We can never hear it enough. Thank you for your comments. We are all in this together.

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