Book Roundup 2015

Book Roundup 2015

There’s not much I enjoy more than a room with books so today I’m taking time for a round-up of the books I made room for this year.

 Here they are, followed by my making a little game out of which ones I loved, loathed, and left out.

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Best Books: This Year’s Top 5

Best Books: This Year’s Top 5

I did a lot of reading this year. It was one of my intentions for 2014 since the previous year was seriously lacking in that department. With the year coming to a close today I decided to share my favorite reads of the year. The list included fiction and non-fiction, young adult, classic, biography, and of course a book about books which is double pleasure.

Here’s my top 5!
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Breathing Room: Review

Breathing Room: Review

Lately I’ve been searching for books that speak of space, quiet, and peace…permission to relax and just be.

This delightful, insightful read stands out as one of the best in my recent reading repertoire.Continue reading