Why Do I Still Sin?

Why Do I Still Sin?

Romans 7 ~ Two Words That Narrow Down the Sin Problem

Having said that once born again we are made righteous and no longer have a sin nature, one could raise the question, “Then why do we still sin?”  Continue reading

A Question Remains

A Question Remains

II Corinthians 5 ~ What “old things” have passed away?

After discovering so much, one would think my struggle to walk in holiness and bear good fruit would be over. I had seen I was righteous, but I had to admit that sin was still showing its ugly head in my life. Was this just ‘positional’ righteousness I’d received?  Practically speaking, was I still the same?  From all indications, it appeared so.  Did I, in fact, still have a sin nature?

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Likeness Restored

Likeness Restored

II Corinthians 5 ~ Trying To Become What We Already Are

Just as surely as the disobedience of Adam made us sinners, the obedience of Jesus made us righteous.  We need to be as familiar with the scripture in Romans 5:19 as we are with John 3:16.

Many of us don’t fully realize what took place when we were born again. Continue reading

The Other Half of the Story

The Other Half of the Story

Romans 5 ~ The Curse Reversed

The hopeless plight of fallen man, born with an unchangeable sin nature appeared to leave all of us in a perpetual state of doing our best and getting forgiveness for the rest.  The endless failure, frustration, and guilt of this condition was what I had lived with and I’d heard echoed by the Apostle Paul in Romans 7.Continue reading