More Than Appearances

More Than Appearances

Tuesdays and Thursdays we take some time to reflect on the previous day’s post with the help of some visual inspiration.

According to Jesus, it’s not enough to attend to and keep rules. If any people knew about following rules it was the Pharisees, but Jesus said…Continue reading

Root or Fruit?

Root or Fruit?

Spending time in prayer and reading God’s Word are necessary, but not in the way we’ve thought.

My goal to walk in righteousness and bear good fruit had led me to seek out the path to transformation.  I still had some things to learn about fruit. Continue reading

Your Inner Image

Your Inner Image

II Corinthians 3 ~  How To See the Unseen

In Friday’s post, Beyond Beholding, we talked about the meaning of beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord…seeing the glory of the Lord in us.  But, how do we know what that glory looks like?  Continue reading

Beyond Beholding

Beyond Beholding

The Transforming Secret We’ve Missed 

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory…. II Corinthians 3:18

How does this transformation take place? Exactly how do we “behold the glory…?   DON’T MISS THIS !Continue reading

Inside Out

Inside Out

Through the Word of God, I was becoming increasingly assured that transformation did indeed come as a result of ‘renewing the mind’.  Nevertheless, searching to find the exact meaning of this term, I found only repeated explanations that amounted to nothing more than mere self-effort. Continue reading

Forgetting What Lies Behind

Forgetting What Lies Behind

Tuesdays and Thursdays we take some time to reflect on the previous day’s post with the help of some visual inspiration.

They say elephants never forget, and it seemed to be a characteristic of mine too.  Once I realized that having my mind set on the weaknesses and failures of my flesh was separating me from the power to overcome it, well I was determined to stop looking in the rearview mirror!  Continue reading