What does ‘Walking in the Spirit’ mean?

What does ‘Walking in the Spirit’ mean?

Romans 8 ~ Finally Discovering How to Walk in the Spirit

Having now realized the truth about walking according to the flesh, I began to consider the other aspect of Romans 8:4-5 ….walking according to the spirit.  If I had been confused over the exact meaning of the one, I was really in the dark over the other.

Exactly what does walking in the spirit mean?  Continue reading

Remember to Forget

Remember to Forget

Romans 8 ~ The Truth We’ve Missed That’s Prevented Transformation      

As I continued my search for the key to walking according to the spirit and not according to the flesh, I came upon what appeared to be the answer.

According to Romans 8:5, at least I could say that my mind was not set on fleshly things.  Or so I thought.Continue reading

What’s On Your Mind?

What’s On Your Mind?

Romans 8 ~  Misunderstanding Romans 8:5 …we’ve had lots of help   

My old man was dead, but he had left behind this body of flesh that still had to be dealt with.  Romans 8:4 had shown there was still a part for me to play in walking according to the spirit and not according to the flesh.  It wasn’t enough to receive my new identity while retaining my old actions.Continue reading

Unlocking the Truth

Unlocking the Truth


Romans 8 ~ Wrestling With That Pesky Clause in verses 1 and 4

Although in Romans 8 Paul seemed to have found his answer, it still wasn’t making any practical sense to me.  Nevertheless, armed with new revelation, I began to read the chapter yet again…continuing to search for the secret to victory over the ‘body’ that Paul had proclaimed at the end of Romans 7.  Continue reading

Are You In the Flesh?

Are You In the Flesh?

Romans 8 ~ Are You In the Flesh or In the Spirit?  Take the test to find out.

I’d established that although the old man with its sin nature has died, he nevertheless left behind a body.  Paul identified this unredeemed flesh as the source of his sin and inability to live righteously.  Having located the source of the problem still didn’t supply the answer.  Was this to be my sad state until the trumpet sounded and I got rid of this body of flesh?Continue reading