Thought Onslaught

Thought Onslaught

Thoughts bombard my mind like a barrage of bombs in an all out aerial assault designed to litter the landscape of life with destruction and defeat. It’s a silent war, unseen by others, fought in solitude. You would think I’d know to run for weapons of my own and fire back, but instead I remain idle, for I have forgotten, am somehow temporarily blinded, to an all-important truth.Continue reading



II Corinthians 3 ~ Gaining Insight on II Corinthians 3:18

In Monday’s post, A Glimpse at Glory we discussed the nature of the glory of God as revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  Getting a glimpse of the true and total nature of God and His glory helps us understand the reason for the fear that struck the children of Israel upon encountering it.Continue reading

Your Inner Image

Your Inner Image

II Corinthians 3 ~  How To See the Unseen

In Friday’s post, Beyond Beholding, we talked about the meaning of beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord…seeing the glory of the Lord in us.  But, how do we know what that glory looks like?  Continue reading

Beyond Beholding

Beyond Beholding

The Transforming Secret We’ve Missed 

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory…. II Corinthians 3:18

How does this transformation take place? Exactly how do we “behold the glory…?   DON’T MISS THIS !Continue reading

I Am Who He Says I Am

I Am Who He Says I Am


Tuesdays and Thursdays we take some time to reflect on the previous day’s post with the help of some visual inspiration.

Just because the actions of our unredeemed bodies might at times be “fleshly”, does not mean we are “in the flesh“.  According to Romans 8:9, it is the nature of our spirit, not the nature of our actions that determines whether we are ‘in the flesh‘ or ‘in the spirit‘.Continue reading

A Question Remains

A Question Remains

II Corinthians 5 ~ What “old things” have passed away?

After discovering so much, one would think my struggle to walk in holiness and bear good fruit would be over. I had seen I was righteous, but I had to admit that sin was still showing its ugly head in my life. Was this just ‘positional’ righteousness I’d received?  Practically speaking, was I still the same?  From all indications, it appeared so.  Did I, in fact, still have a sin nature?

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Likeness Restored

Likeness Restored

II Corinthians 5 ~ Trying To Become What We Already Are

Just as surely as the disobedience of Adam made us sinners, the obedience of Jesus made us righteous.  We need to be as familiar with the scripture in Romans 5:19 as we are with John 3:16.

Many of us don’t fully realize what took place when we were born again. Continue reading