There’s not much I enjoy more than a room with books so today I’m taking time for a round-up of the books I made room for this year.
Here they are, followed by my making a little game out of which ones I loved, loathed, and left out.
There’s not much I enjoy more than a room with books so today I’m taking time for a round-up of the books I made room for this year.
Here they are, followed by my making a little game out of which ones I loved, loathed, and left out.
Good Friday…aren’t you thankful for what we commemorate this day? I’m forever grateful to God for His sacrifice…for taking the wrath due me on that cross those many years ago.
However, something else happened that day that’s overlooked…that is, if it’s known about at all. For years I didn’t know it had occurred, but once I found out my life changed drastically.Continue reading
Encouraging others is one of the things I care about more than nearly anything. I desperately want people, you people, to know your value…that you rock people’s worlds with your hospitality, your art, your listening ear, your ability to make people laugh.
You would think that this compulsion of mine would overflow onto everyone, wouldn’t you? Surely, it would! Or would it?Continue reading
Here we are, fleshing out 2015. All those resolutions and goals…so many things we want accomplished. They say it takes twenty-one days to solidify a new habit. It’s day twenty-four, and so far the new year is looking a lot like the old. Normally I’d be freaked out, but I’m not. And that’s the biggest change I’ve seen thus far this year.
What’s made the difference? Something I missed in the story of Mary and Martha.
Today marks day one, year three of blogging here at My Word Study. Sometimes we have to explore and experiment to not only discover our passions but also to eliminate things as possibilities.
It’s been two years of discovery, but one thing stands out.Continue reading
Did you know that today, July 2nd, marks the exact middle of the year? Yes, as of last night we’ve lived 182 days of 2014 and beginning tomorrow, God willing, we’ll live the remaining 182. But today? Well, today we’re right in the middle.Continue reading
Ezekiel Bread…It’s my daily breakfast routine. There’s nothing that satisfies quite like it. No temptation to over-eat, no looking for something else to hit the spot. It simply satisfies, day after day after day. It seems pretty remarkable…until you read the book of Ezekiel.Continue reading
Today I conclude the story that began with this Bible Identity Quiz . Take it before you read on and see if you get the answer. Here‘s the first part of the story where I began telling how I came to ‘identify’ and ‘identify with’ this uniquely favored woman of the Bible.
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It’s September 24th and I have officially been a blogger for one year. As defined by the Urban Dictionary this would make today my blogiversary. Anniversaries make great days for looking back so I’m doing some reflecting. Continue reading
We just returned from a seven day cruise to the Caribbean. It was wonderful. Some things just can’t be described…they must be experienced. Every aspect of this trip was thoroughly enjoyable. There was nearly too much to take in. Actually, there was too much.Continue reading
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