Falling For the Lie

Falling For the Lie

The message is all around us…it’s heard from pulpits, written about in books,  and voiced in song. Be like God.

The message is within us….a constant voice in our head, keeping us forever conscious.

It encircles our thoughts like a WWJD wristband, reminding us to behave, directing our actions with its ever-present admonition….

Be like God.

The message is in God’s Word…

Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did. I John 2:6 NIV

Be holy, because I am holy. I Peter 1:16b NIV

Yes, the message is clear.

Be like God.

It’s the goal, the attainment of which we are constantly occupied. We are determined to do it, and we think we know how. We commit to watch ourselves…ever so closely. We monitor our behavior, our actions, our reactions. We gauge, we measure, we weigh, we assess, all to ensure the good outweighs the bad.  We are determined to

Be like God.

Surely, we’ll be able to accomplish it by awareness, by diligent self-examination, by this knowledge of good and evil in us.  Yes, this must be the way. Or is it?  Or could it be that, like Eve of old, we’ve been deceived? She, too, was presented with a way to…

Be like to God.

Ah, but what if, like Eve…..we’re eating from the wrong tree?

Yes, Eve was told that partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would make her like God. Could it be we’ve fallen for the same lie? We’ve thought we could be like Him by knowing the good and the evil in us….by giving this our attention, by making this knowledge our primary focus.  But the truth is, this knowledge produces no life. It only brings death, just as God said it would.

So let’s make sure we’re eating from the right tree….the tree of life!  Jesus said,  “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life”.  Let’s go to His Word, partake of its life giving fruit, and discover what we’re to really look at that we might…

Be like God.

But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.  II Corinthians 3:18  

More on II Corinthians 3:18




  1. I especially like the concept that we are eating from the wrong tree. There are so many confusing messages out there these days, that sometimes that simple, clear and true path is not always so. What a great reminder to pause. Thanks for sharing. Visiting from FMF.

    • Thanks for visiting. You’re right…simple isn’t always simple. We do tend to complicate things. Thanks for taking time to comment. Blessings!

  2. Yes! “what if, like Eve…..we’re eating from the wrong tree?” Everyday it is a choice. Choose to eat “from the right tree….the tree of life!” xoxo

    • Oh the power and privilege of choice. I couldn’t agree with you more. I choose life! (Deut. 30:19) Thanks for stopping by, Elle.

  3. I *love* your call to “eat from the right tree” – well put! <3

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