
Good quotes have the ability to teach us what we don’t

know or precisely echo what we do.  A collection of

quotes is like having all those great things we underline

in books together in one place. They are concentrated

wisdom, saying a lot with a little.  That’s why I enjoy

them…they illustrate the power of words.

Check out some powerful quotes on some favorite topics.

Law and Grace         







Short sentences drawn from long experience. ~Miguel de Cervantes


It is a pleasure to be able to quote lines to fit any occasion… ~Abraham Lincoln


An anthology of quotations is a museum of utterances. ~Gary Saul Morson


An apt quotation is as good as an original remark. ~Proverb


Quotation is the highest compliment you can pay to an author. ~André-Marie Ampère


Good quotes are vitamins for the brain! ~Patrick Driessen