Behold Your God

Behold Your God

Tuesdays and Thursdays we take some time to reflect on the previous day’s post with the help of some visual inspiration.

It’s important to realize the two-fold nature of our God.  As this photo illustrates, the very one who is kind can likewise crush.  The true character of God must be recognized not for what it is in part, but in whole.  When the glory of God was revealed, Moses and the children of Israel saw what we must also see…that the goodness of God cannot be separated from the gravity of God.  These are the parts that make up the whole.  This is His very nature.  Let’s continue to ponder the total sum and substance, the entire essence of our God.

 Behold then the kindness and severity of God…  Romans 11:22a

You can read or re-read A Glimpse at Glory that corresponds with today’s image.


  1. Caryn (Hall) Yost-Rudge :

    I can’t believe that verse…I don’t ever remember reading it….the kindness and severity. It’s a good one! 🙂 Thank you.
    I love that picture of the lions….Your accompanying pictures are always great! Love you- Caryn

    • Caryn, Don’t you just love that about the Word of God? You can read it for years and years, as you have, and still see things you’ve never noticed before. Even the verses we know well, when freshly illuminated by the Holy Spirit, appear brand new. That’s been happening to me a lot lately. Love it! And…love you. 🙂 (The pictures have been a fun addition, haven’t they? Glad you like them.)

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