Love…Romanticized or Recognized?

Love…Romanticized or Recognized?

Today I want to wish you a Happy Valentines Day with a small reminder.  There’s one thing I’ve learned about love.  It doesn’t necessarily look like what you think it should look like….but that doesn’t mean it’s not love.  It’s not always red roses, pink hearts, candlelight and boxed chocolate. Look for it in unexpected places, expressing itself in unconventional ways.Continue reading

When Knowing’s Not Enough

When Knowing’s Not Enough

I thought I could move on.  I thought I should move on.  But I can’t.  Not without adding something else to our discussion concerning God’s love.  What I must include is a word of warning.  Having fallen prey to it myself, I want to inform you of the trap so you can be aware.Continue reading

Be Loved, Beloved

Be Loved, Beloved

I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the most widely known Bible scripture is John 3:16.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Some of the Christian commentary would almost make us believe the verse said, “For God so loathed the world…”. Continue reading

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

Putting the Cart Before the Horse

We have such a tendency to put the cart before the horse…to put obligation before impartation.

Let’s uncover a crucial key to walking in love and see if we can get first things first. This one truth makes all the difference!

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Begin With God

Begin With God

On the occasion of the creation of this blog, as I look at the first verse in Genesis, “In the beginning God created…“,  I see a representation of what will be the primary nature and voice of the content of My Word Study.

In addition to recording the formation of the world by God, this Genesis account can also be a subtle reminder to put God first in any beginning.  Nevertheless, I’ve come to see yet another application of this verse.  Continue reading