The Truth About You

The Truth About You


Difficult as it was to accept, I had to admit there were things that were true about me that were very tough to face.  I was having a hard time getting past them….a very hard time.  Even though I read that in Christ I was new, to look at my life it didn’t seem to be true.  For years I tried to change what was true to what was new, but with no success. Exhausted and depleted from constant struggle, I finally realized… There is something greater than true.Continue reading

Beyond Beholding

Beyond Beholding

The Transforming Secret We’ve Missed 

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory…. II Corinthians 3:18

How does this transformation take place? Exactly how do we “behold the glory…?   DON’T MISS THIS !Continue reading