The Beauty of our Creator

The Beauty of our Creator

We just returned from a seven day cruise to the Caribbean.  It was wonderful.  Some things just can’t be described…they must be experienced.  Every aspect of this trip was thoroughly enjoyable.  There was nearly too much to take in.  Actually, there was too much.

As I was walking along the beach in Grand Turk I talked to the Lord about my ability to actually absorb the amount of blessing and beauty I was experiencing.  I asked Him to help me take it in.  One thing I know…even in the midst of so much of the splendor of His creation…there is nothing that compares to His presence.  Without Him there’s no way to truly embrace and enjoy everything His creation offers.  There is no comparison.  One word from Him, one whisper of His spirit to my heart far exceeds even the incomprehensible beauty of the sapphire waters of St. Maarten, the turquoise inlets of St. Thomas and the pale khaki sands of Grand Turk.  One faint, fleeting moment of Him sharing the smallest tidbit of His wisdom far exceeds the beauty of a million grains of powder soft sands gently bathed with crystal clear waters. I know this because I experienced both.  The matchlessness of our Creator far surpasses His most exquisite creation.

How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them. If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand… Psalms 139


  1. This inspired me to include Him more in the small things in my life. Love you and miss you!!! xoxox

    • Wow…that’s great, Becky. I’m so glad He used this to speak to your heart. Funny, I was just thinking of you early this morning! Lotsa love to you. 🙂

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