Searching for Meaning

Searching for Meaning

Today marks day one, year three of blogging here at My Word Study.  Sometimes we have to explore and experiment to not only discover our passions but also to eliminate things as possibilities.

It’s been two years of discovery, but one thing stands out.Continue reading

In Light of the Promise

In Light of the Promise


Reading I Chronicles 17 this morning I was struck by a prayer of David that’s recorded there. Something in it seemed a bit gutsy to me, but upon further inspection I’m feeling a bit more daring myself now.

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Golden Silence

Golden Silence

I’m not sure if it’s the down side of a zeal for organization, but I tend to have a meltdown when I can’t find things. I know they’re not lost, they’re here somewhere…but where? I cannot give up the search, I seek until I find.

They’re some of my most favorite things, yet lately…I just can’t find them. They’ve been missing for a while now.Continue reading

Meeting in the Middle

Meeting in the Middle

Did you know that today, July 2nd, marks the exact middle of the year?  Yes, as of last night we’ve lived 182 days of 2014 and beginning tomorrow, God willing, we’ll live the remaining 182. But today? Well, today we’re right in the middle.Continue reading

What I Learned in May

What I Learned in May

It’s that time again. I’m joining the fun over at Emily Freeman‘s where once a month a great group of bloggers share some things they’ve learned during the calendar month. From the paltry to the profound, this month, as in every month, there’s an abundance of terrific tidbits to be enjoyed as each one of us share… What I Learned in MayContinue reading

What I Learned in April

What I Learned in April

Linking up with others over at Emily Freeman‘s site  for the always entertaining and often enlightening monthly link up where we’re sharing What We Learned in April..

Mine include some faith, some facts, and some fun….
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Effortless Change

Effortless Change

I’m linking up for this week’s Five Minute Friday prompt … “Mess”, and sharing a bit about my mess.

I thought it would never change.

I thought I would never change.

Years and years after salvation, my trying to change produced nothing…but discouragement.Continue reading

No Swimming

No Swimming

I don’t know what it is…how I can know something so intimately, yet still let it slip. Is there some kind of spiritual super glue that can make revelation stick? Continue reading

Handling the Truth

Handling the Truth

Today we’re one hundred days into 2014 and I am one hundred days into my One Word focus for the year. So…how’s this honest thing going? Actually, it’s taken a bit of an unexpected turn.Continue reading

A Pen’s Fountain

A Pen’s Fountain

Writing has been a struggle of late. I wouldn’t be being honest if I said I didn’t know why. I know why because I know that for the writer I am, writing primarily about God and His life-giving Word, writing is simply overflow. And lately, there’s been none.Continue reading