Thought Onslaught

Thought Onslaught

Thoughts bombard my mind like a barrage of bombs in an all out aerial assault designed to litter the landscape of life with destruction and defeat. It’s a silent war, unseen by others, fought in solitude. You would think I’d know to run for weapons of my own and fire back, but instead I remain idle, for I have forgotten, am somehow temporarily blinded, to an all-important truth.Continue reading

What I Learned in February

What I Learned in February

Emily Freeman’s “What I Learned” linkup is one of my favorites. Maybe it’s the teacher in me…I love learning and sharing what I’ve learned. This isn’t necessarily profound or life changing, but it might slightly entertain (you won’t want to miss this), give a wee bit of information, and a slight peek into my February, the month I learned…

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A New Friend Fifty Days In

A New Friend Fifty Days In

We are now seven weeks into the new year. Today marks fifty days since I received my One Word for 2014. Since the Greek word Pentecost means fifty, I’m regarding today as my own personal Pentecost of sorts. I’m commemorating and reflected on what this past seven weeks has held in regards to my one word, Honest.Continue reading

Seeds Unseen

Seeds Unseen

I’ve been thinking about this heart problem I’ve been diagnosed with. You remember…the one I thought was a mouth problem until reminded my tongue was simply speaking from the abundance of my heart.  Yeah, that heart problem. I’ve recognized this abundance my mouth is speaking from is just that…an abundance.  Yes, I have an overflowing, bountiful crop. And with a harvest so apparent I’m remembering something I’m surprised I let slip. You don’t get a harvest without planting some seed.  But what is this seed?Continue reading

Life “Issues”

Life “Issues”


My mouth has been giving me trouble of late. I admit, sometimes I even surprise myself. Something’s just not right. Where’s this venom coming from? I need to get a grip.  This is causing issues and something’s got to change, so I write myself a simple prescription…Continue reading

What I Learned in January

What I Learned in January

I do love learning. I’m usually pretty intentional about it. But more often than not learning happens just because of living. Although I prefer learning in an elaborate library, the schoolhouse located on the landscape of our lives might be where most of the real learning is done. For a while now I’ve reflected on things I’ve learned during the latest life month and shared them here with you.  Here’s my latest offering.

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A Hero in Haiti

A Hero in Haiti

It was seventeen years ago that I first met Danita. We’d just moved to Florida, had begun attending a huge church and she was the first woman to reach out to me, a one-on-one encounter amidst a sea of people. Over lunch one day I got my first glimpse of this extraordinary woman. Continue reading

The Word “Works”

The Word “Works”

The Power of Romans 15:5

My husband and I just returned from a marvelous vacation in Mexico.  We have arrived at the stage of life where we’re traveling and experiencing new adventures, seeing new places, meeting wonderful people, witnessing other cultures and just plain enjoying life and each other.

Ahhh, wedded bliss.  But don’t be fooled.  It hasn’t always been like this.Continue reading

One Word for 2014

One Word for 2014

I had no intention of doing this…none whatsoever.  I’ve seen the idea floating around for a while now, on blogs and Pinterest, but it never appealed to me. Instead, on December 31 I found myself jotting down a few ideas concerning the new year. I listed some goals and desires, various thoughts about what I’d like to concentrate on this year. But nothing was coming together, until…

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Things I Learned in December

Things I Learned in December

I’m linked up over at Chatting at the Sky, where a group of lovely women share what they’ve learned each month. Here’s what I learned this month….Continue reading