No Swimming

No Swimming

I don’t know what it is…how I can know something so intimately, yet still let it slip. Is there some kind of spiritual super glue that can make revelation stick? These revealed truths, the only things ever successful in defying the voice of hopelessness that declares ever so boldly that change will never come, I once again fail to act on…and I become unglued.

Yes, I’ve been caught in quick sand and sinking fast, but have miraculously discovered the way of escape, the truth that sets free, only to be sucked in yet again. And although I should know better, I resort to methods already proven futile.

But always, whenever we’re sinking, our Savior’s hand is outstretched, once again offering the same, the only way out. I should at least follow Peter’s lead, who, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!“. But not me. Being engulfed I think, “I’ll swim! Surely, I can make it out of this storm.” But will is no match for waves and wind. His Word, not my will, is the power to rescue, calm the storm, and not only prevent me from being overcome, but make me an overcomer.

Stepping out on His Word and daring to believe what it says about me, I abandon doubt and, instead of swimming, find myself walking on water.


Running with the writers over at Lisa Jo Baker’s Five Minute Friday for this week’s writing prompt…GLUE


  1. Janna Lynas :

    Never forget to” believe what it says about me.” Beautiful piece – I’ve been right there with you…

    Keep writing!

    • Thanks, Janna. I appreciate your stopping by and your encouragement to keep writing. Did you know I was questioning that? 🙂 I needed your words.

  2. I love that . . . spiritual super glue. How to make revelation stick. And since there is no such thing (drat!) we keep on keeping on, reading and reading and listening and praying and digging deeper every day for more truth. Because this life of faith requires effort on our part as we partner with God to live a holy and good and acceptable life pleasing to Him.
    Thank you Lisa, your words are full of life.

    • Thank YOU, Debbie. It’s so kind of you to take the time to visit and comment. You’re so right, this life of faith does require effort. It’s the fight of faith, laboring…to enter the rest of ceasing from our labor! Crazy stuff, but oh so liberating. Don’t you just love our God? Thanks for your encouraging words.

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