
Hi, I’m Lisa…

Welcome to “My Study” 

It may sound like religious cliché to say I am one who has been mercifully forgiven and graciously blessed by a loving God through the substitutionary work of His Son, Jesus Christ, but take it from a seriously sassy, sinful, sketchy, and struggling gal….my coming to truly understand the meaning of those seemingly religious words has done for me what all my effort, good intentions, guilt, and trying failed to do.  For years I struggled as a Christian attempting to live up to an acceptable moral standard.  Frankly, I nearly broke under the defeat and disappointment.  [Here is where you’ll find my story] Much of the content you find here will be my sharing the incremental discovery of the truth that has set me free.

Additionally, I am the wife of a man I consider to be a spiritual heavyweight with rugged good looks and a generous heart.  He has hung in there as a husband and father when quitting would have been far easier.  He too knows firsthand what it is to be bound and finally free.

And then there’s our two sons, now men, who have captured our heart beyond what words can convey.  Suffice it to say that it is much through our inexpressible love for them that we have begun to comprehend the magnitude of His love for us…for God so loved the world that He gave His Son.

Beyond this, if you know me you know that I…

~love books and revel in reading them

~can’t get enough of Scrabble

~love anything to do with words (especially God’s Word)

~am fascinated with history

~crave knowledge

~admire wisdom

~delight in sunshine, waterfront relaxation, delicious food, quaint shops in charming places, and all things beautiful and exquisite

~am thrilled at seeing people function in their unmistakable talents, and am obsessed with the desire for absolutely everyone to recognize their unique gifts and extraordinary value.


~ Thanks for visiting  ~

I’d love to hear from you so feel free to add your comments any time.

To contact me personally email me at:  lisa at mywordstudy dot com .