The Ultimate Truth

The Ultimate Truth


Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act. Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do You say?”

They confronted Him with the truth…

they confronted Him with the Law.

Now they would see. Would He obey it?Continue reading

The Power of Grace

The Power of Grace

I have this tendency. I think we all do. I think more about goodness than grace, and it always leaves me feeling condemned, not clean…and my life reflects it. But shouldn’t thinking about the ‘shoulds’ make us more obedient? Well, that’s where we miss it.

We constantly miss it because…Continue reading



II Corinthians 3 ~ Gaining Insight on II Corinthians 3:18

In Monday’s post, A Glimpse at Glory we discussed the nature of the glory of God as revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai.  Getting a glimpse of the true and total nature of God and His glory helps us understand the reason for the fear that struck the children of Israel upon encountering it.Continue reading

A Glimpse at Glory

A Glimpse at Glory

Exodus 33, 34 ~ Resolving the Conflict of Exodus 34:6-7

Why did a distance need to be constantly maintained between the people and the glory?  What is it about this glory?Continue reading

Law and Glory

Law and Glory

Exodus ~  What Else Came With God’s Law?

This subject of “keeping your distance” might seem like a trivial thing, but it is far from trivial. Ultimately it ends up being a matter of life and death.  No, I’m not overstating it, and in the next few posts you’ll see why.Continue reading

Keeping Your Distance?

Keeping Your Distance?

Exodus 19, 20 ~ Can We Really Draw Near to God?

The dictionary defines “law” as:  rules that a…community recognizes and may enforce by the imposition of penalties.

Simply put, once a law shows up, the penalty for breaking it does too.  Where does that leave us in relationship to God?Continue reading

The Value of Rules

The Value of Rules

More thoughts from Friday, while we’re on the subject of law….

Do laws serve as a means to curb sin?  Do rules help to restrain the flesh?  Continue reading

What Law Are You Under?

What Law Are You Under?

It took me quite a while to realize it wasn’t works that led to righteousness, but righteousness that led to works.  My heart’s desire was to be righteous, so I spent most of my time trying to do something to become something.  By doing all the right things (reading, studying, praying), I was attempting to regulate my behavior, thinking it would come in line as a result of these efforts. Nevertheless, I had the cart before the horse.  Continue reading

No More Debt Mindset

No More Debt Mindset

Many of us have come to realize the glorious reality revealed by the apostle Paul in Romans 6:14 that we are not under law. It is positively liberating to know that we are exempt from the dictates and requirements recorded by Moses in the Old Testament.  And we say we are free.  But how free are we really?Continue reading