A Case of Mistaken Identity

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Genesis 27 ~ Another observation from the life of Jacob    

In addition to his incident involving those fruitful flocks, Jacob has more history that proves helpful as we determine to set our mind and focus on who we are in the spirit.  Can there be too many reminders of the importance of recognizing our true identity?  One thing is sure, Jacob had some experience in determining identity. Continue reading

Seeing Spots

Seeing Spots

Genesis 30 ~ An Unlikely  Secret to Fruitfulness  

At least one thing had changed as a result of these new discoveries.  A burden had definitely lifted!  The more I took control of my thoughts based on these truths from God’s Word, the more relief and joy I experienced.

My focus had changed.  Now maybe my fruit would change too. A story from the life of Jacob provides unexpected revelation.

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Man’s Greatest Loss

Man’s Greatest Loss

Genesis 1, 2, 5 ~ Man’s Nature Before & After the Fall     ….continued from Monday

I hesitate to move too quickly past the truth we’ve discovered in realizing man’s design.  It is essential that we know this, for it is more than relevant to the subject under consideration.  It is vital.  Let’s also not forget what that subject is lest we lose sight of the goal…to fulfill those first words spoken by God to his man.  They are the words He is still speaking to us today.  Be fruitful.Continue reading

The Me You Can’t See

The Me You Can’t See

Genesis 2, 5  ~ The Day Adam Died     

Unwilling to make a false argument which would release me from accountability, and knowing I surely was misunderstanding something about Paul’s statements in Romans, I headed back to Genesis only to find more light that would take me another step closer to the freedom I longed for.  Again, I began reading the story of Adam and Eve…Continue reading

The Fruit of Disobedience

The Fruit of Disobedience

Genesis 2, 3 ~ The Surprising Effect of Adam’s Sin  

Still looking for a solution to my fruitless life, my search for answers continues…

Several things about this story in Genesis had correlated with my own struggle.  I’d seen that, like Eve, partaking of the knowledge of good and evil in me was not getting me closer to my goal of being like God.  I had thought it would, seemingly just like she had, but I also had been deceived. Continue reading

Eve’s Fall

Eve’s Fall

Genesis 2 ~ The Real Lie Eve Fell For  

Good and evil.  Yes, I’d heard those two words used before.  Two little words used far back in the very beginning.  They first appear at the start of man’s existence…all the way back in the Garden of Eden.  I wasn’t sure what I’d find in this first account of history that would be relevant to my history, but I headed to Genesis to find out.

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